the power of commitment
the impact of coaching,
the reach of a conference
The Coachference® concept is based on 5 unique characteristics that differentiate it from a standard conference:
Absolute focus (non negotiable Zero Smartphone policy)
Individual interaction with every single participant
Guaranteed 100% employee commitment
Easily measurable 30-day impact
Adaptable to any topic

1. Work/Life balance: a matter of Personal Internal Commitment
2. Stop "managing" your time, start "creating" your time
3. The Circle of Trust: the cement of any team building
4. Self-care: the oxygen mask of the workplace
5. Communication: what do YOU want?
an exclusive
dual approach
Performance, motivation, productivity and well-being at work are all individual responsibilities, but that's not all.
It is also largely the responsibility of leaders and managers, who must lead by example and create a climate conducive to personal commitment.
Each of my Coachferences is available in two versions: one for all your employees and one for your leaders and managers.
1- for
your people
2- for
your leaders
Aucune place pour le jugement. Chaque Artisan est libre d'être soi-même, dans toute sa différence.
Rien n'est impossible. À l'Atelier on ne pointe pas les problèmes, on crée des solutions.
Confidentialité totale. Ce qui se passe et se dit à l'Atelier, reste à l'Atelier.
Pas de coaching ou de conseils non sollicités. Chaque Artisan sait quand demander de l'aide.
Pas de démarchage intempestif. Mais un grand oui aux opportunités d'entraide et collaboration.
let's meet
While everything is always going faster around us, I suggest we take some time. Let's take the time to meet, get to know each other and go thoroughly over your needs and expectations.
and choose the extraordinary